Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Fierce Robot

I am learning to create a narrative from an image

It had been many months and Jim was no closer to knowing who he was before the accident. A young a boy not even sure how old he was, he predicted about 10 years old, as he compared himself to other children. He was an average looking boy with his hair dark and over grown, his clothes were ripped and ragged as he had to survive out in the cold on his own.

That morning Jim was out shivering to his death in the snow, he thought to himself that he wasn’t going to make it, he was sure he was going to die. But Jim spoke too soon, as he looked up at a beautiful city in the distance, the skyline capturing his attention as his steps walked on. I wondered if I can live their imagining what he could eat. Jim slowly creep in the snow falling and tripping over. But he thought he saw a robot in the distance he walk closer and closer. When getting to the robot he fainted.

“Where am I?” As he awoke. “I am here in this magical town, yes this is what I wanted hooray.” As he looked out the glass window. However he spoke to soon as he spun around he realised that the glass window belong to a dark cell. The cell so dark and cold, full of creepy robots.

Jim was taken in and out of the cell by the large mechanical robots to work alongside them as slaves, doing all the dirty of this magical city. Jim would be dragged out of the cell in the early hours and not return until the sun was setting. Jim spent what little time he had in the cell thinking how to get out. When one day the plan popped in his head just like that he took a broken pipe from the sink. Jim heard the robot coming in the early morning. As the robot opens the cell, BANG knocking the robot to the floor.

Jim’s plan was now in action, pulling the robot apart he placed the mental cover over him. He crept out past the other robots pretending to speak like a robot. He could see the exit but then was distracted by food so he ran and took all of the in his arms and sprinted towards the exit. He wasn’t coming to this city and leaving with nothing. He knew this would full his appetite. Free at last with all of the food he could eat.

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