Thursday, 27 September 2018



    Steps :
    Tradition cooking for New Zealand maori
    You need to dig a big hole
    You also will need a tower of wood with the irons so the irons will heat up
    The will say a prayer to keep the trees safe
    They will dig a hole in the ground about 4 foot deep
    The irons need to be around 700 degrees celsius to be able to cook the food through all the layers
    You should have nicely cooked food
    They will put all the layers of the cloths on the top of the food
    They will wet the cloth
    And take out the embers
    They will put the food into the cages, they will put the cages into the
    They will take out the irons into the bottom of the hole
    After they will put lettuce leaves so the food won’t burn or be a bit smokey
    The foods that are better to cook are Beef, lamb, pork, poultry, potatoes, kumara and green vegetables/ normally watercress
    They do a karakia in maori (usually)
    It is a risk getting the irons into the hole
    You will put 3-4 layers of food and clothes so the food gets nicely cooked.
    Cook for 3 and a half hours
    And then you will carefully take the cages of food out of the hole and into the trailer
    And that’s how you make a Hangi

    What You Need
  • Rakau=wood
    Kakahu maeneene=Wet cloth
    Nga koko= Shovels
    Dirt to cover the cloths

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