Book Week!
It's week 8 and it is the bookworms favourite week of the year! Book week! A lot of things happened this week. The library was jam packed full of books and other cool stuff like pencils and rubbers, authors and poets were visiting the school, the book parade was on Friday where we were able to show off our costumes of our favourite book character!
Monday saw us in groups competing against one another as we did a literacy quiz! There were 30 questions and three topics. Each question we got right earned us a point! And, we all had to pick a topic where we DOUBLED our points.
The next day Tasman Flinn visited the school. We all sat in the hall and sat on the chairs while she showed us her poems and talked about poetry.
Then on Thursday, all of us year 5 and 6s went to Room 2 so we could see Chris Gurney. She talked about her books and how to make a book. And she picked a few volunteers to act out a play, based off her own book called “Cindy And The Lost Jandal” (Miss Down’s favourite book).
Then on Friday, we all dressed up in our favourite book characters, and finished off the week with the book parade! Where we showed off our amazing costumes on the stage.
We all had so much fun during book week. Thank God for books!